Dear Friends,
I know that having a totally Greek Blog... is giving on your nerves (!) and I know that there are plenty of you who I wish to speak there language so I could share with them my feeling (Sehra.. i hope one day we could understand each other without translators).
I also now that one day I will start my new Blog in turkish...but these stories are part of the future.. which is always a Mystery...
Who could told me that 31 days ago...i would take a train..and come over here to start my Life.
Someone.... came here 2 or 3 years ago.. for just 6 months.. but now her life has totally changed.... and those 6 months are 3 years and who knows how many more she will spend here....
Another one... went to the UK... for just 1 year (yeeeears ago)... but... she lost her way to Selanik... and she decided to move over here (all by accident) (Βάλια μου σ'αγαπω κ ας μενεις στου Διαόλου το κέρατο...!!!)
I am not the only crazy over here... the Turks are moving for Istanbul to Europe for job... I show Europe my wonderful 5 fingers...and I moved to Istanbul..
Together we will explore the unique character of Istanbul... (who I will insist calling her -is a SHE- Istanbul in English and Κωνσταντινούπολη or Πόλη in Greek)...
We will understand her Atmosphere.. and what is that damn thing that she has.. and makes everyone Crazy (From the 1st emperor of the Byzantines to Mustafa Kemal Ataturk to Myself...)
all these through VIDEOS (youtube, metacafe, personal Videos) Photos (google search, flickr, Personal Photos) and of course through the History hidden behind every little stone....
I love you all
Dear(& beautiful & colorful) Menekse,
I wish you all the best to your new blog!
I'm looking forward to reading your new posts!
Every fresh view to this She-City is more than welcome:)
Angelimmmmm teşekkür ederim....
I will try my best to give the scent of that City....Inşallah!!
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